Legal Services

Robbery & Armed Robbery

We are experienced in all theft and property offences, including robbery and armed robbery.

In basic terms, robbery is stealing from a person by force or the threat of force, section 75.

The maximum penalty for robbery is 15 years imprisonment.

An accused commits an armed robbery where s/he has a firearm, imitation firearm, weapon, explosive or imitation explosive at the time of committing a robbery, section 75A. Armed robbery carries a maximum prison sentence of 25 years.

For the offences of robbery and armed robbery the prosecution must prove:

  • The external and fault elements of theft,
  • That the accused intended and did use force or threaten to use force immediately before or at the time of the robbery, and
  • That the victim was placed in fear as a result of the threat of or use of force.

Importantly, the element of “force”; does not need to be one which involves violence or direct contact with the victim.

If you are investigated in relation to an allegation of robbery or armed robbery, it is important to obtain quality legal advice as soon as possible. At Lewenberg & Lewenberg, we are experienced in all theft and property offences, including robbery and armed robbery. We are equipped to advise you on the strength and weaknesses of the prosecution case and any defences available to you.